Bone Health
Building and maintaining strength in our bones is very important and protecting bone health is not just for the older generation! Our bones are continuously changing. New bone structure is made as old bone is broken down. When we are younger this happens more rapidly than our body can break down the old bone and this is how bone mass is built. We usually reach our bone density by age 30 and then...bummer...we start to lose bone mass. Still...there is much we can do to support healthy bones no matter what age!
Add calcium to your diet
Leafy greens are my favorite source. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, collards, kale, mustard greens, swiss chard, to name a few are loaded with highly absorbable calcium and a host of other healthful nutrients. Other high calcium foods include, dairy products, almonds, canned salmon with bones, sardines and soy products, such as tofu.
Vitamin D
Your body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium. Good sources of vitamin D include oily fish, such as salmon, trout, whitefish and tuna. Additionally, mushrooms, eggs, are good sources of vitamin D. Sunlight also contributes to the body's production of vitamin D.
Get active!
Go for a brisk walk, climb the stairs in your house, march in place, all of these help build bone density but of course there is also PILATES!! Pilates is resistance training, our muscles and bones need force and resistance to build mass. When we put force on our bones through exercise, our skeletal structure builds more cells and becomes more dense allowing our bones to support the force exerted on them. In addition to strengthening bones, Pilates serves to improve balance and coordination and keep our bodies agile.
A perfect example...I had one of the members of our community tell us that they slipped and were able to catch themselves before falling and avoid injury. She shared, that Pre-Pilates she would have fallen, and been injured.
Other lifestyle factors that can help you strengthen your bones.
For more information on osteoporosis click here. (Find source to link) or enlist your doctor's help. If you're concerned about your bone health or your risk factors for osteoporosis, including a recent bone fracture, consult with your doctor first.
Ready to Start Strengthening your Bones?
Try out one of our new Infrared Mat Pods to practice the basics of the Pilates method! You can jump into the next session via the app or clicking here.
Classes not for you?
That's okay! Schedule an individual session to help work on building your strength. Check out our instructors schedules by using the app or clicking here.
No matter what aspect of strength, RF is here to support you and and help you be Graceful & Strong.
Stay safe and keep moving,
Brooke Alexandra