A Balanced Mind, Emotionally & Spiritually
It has been more than challenging to find emotional and spiritual balance during this global pandemic. I have cried my eyes out, danced in my living room in reckless abandon, taken more of my share of calming baths, and started rollerblading. These are just a few outlets I have found to help me cope through this experience.
In talking with you, I have come to know and relate to many different challenges we all face. I have learned that cultivating and honing emotional intelligence is imperative during this unprecedented time. Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to identify and manage our emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

The 10/10/10 Method
I started a new practice during this pandemic that has been helpful and I’d love to share it with you. This practice is called 10/10/10. I heard about it from Warren Rustand, former NBA star and motivational speaker. I have found it centering, and doing this daily has helped me find a greater sense of balance.
I dedicate 30 minutes a day to this practice of gratitude, reading, and journaling. It is best done when I first wake up. I lie in bed and start my breathing practice. Breathing into the sides and back of my ribs, a minimum of 10 breaths. While breathing I perform a body scan and take note of my findings, what areas of my body do I feel ease or tension? Then I start my 10 minute practices of gratitude, reading, and journaling.
I spend the first 10 minutes thinking about what I am grateful for. This mindset has been a game changer for how I start my day, especially now. Even in these challenging times, I have found much to be grateful for.
Next, is inspirational reading. I have three categories I read daily, spiritual, business, and pleasure. By feeding my mind on inspiring thoughts, this sets my mood and mind to be receptive to positivity.
The last 10 minutes, I spend on journaling. This allows my mind to process my emotional, intellectual, and spiritual discoveries of the day. I write about the wins from the day before, new ideas, progress on my goals, special things about people in my life, and anything I could have done differently or better. I type these thoughts on my keyboard connected to my iPad. While I love to write with pen and paper, my writing is not legible and I have found meaning in checking in on my progress by going back and reading my thoughts and feelings. Journaling has helped find balance, in writing things become clearer.
This practice of 10/10/10 has helped me find my center, check in on my emotional wellbeing, and set intentions for my day. To be transparent, some days it’s challenging to find 30 minutes first thing. On those days, I decide, do I have 6 minutes for my 2 minute sessions or 15 for 5 minute sessions? I just try to practice daily. This has become a habit for me, but it took time to be regular. I’ve heard it takes 21 days to form a habit.
Check in with me, follow me on IG and let me know how it’s going for you!
Yours in health and wellness,